SMART goals set you up for success

posted by Brent Brown on March 23, 2021 Anthem EAP Spring 2021

Setting a goal can be the first step toward achievement.

With a goal in place, a standard has been set, and you understand where you want to go. To set goals in a way that helps you reach them, make them SMART goals:

Specific: Instead of making a goal to “eat healthier,” “stress less,” or “save more money,” aim for more specific goals, such as eating five fruits and vegetables daily, meditating for 20 minutes a day, or putting $20 a week in savings.

Measurable: Make a goal you can measure, such as “work my way up to running three miles by three months,” “sleep at least eight hours a day,” or “cut my social media time to a half hour a day.”

Attainable: Avoid aiming too high or too low. While it is good to push yourself, it is also smart to make sure a goal is one you can reach.

Realistic: Losing 10 pounds a week sounds great, but if a goal is one that is not possible for anyone to reach, you may give up too soon.

Trackable: Set goals that let you track progress. For example, if your goal is to lose 25 pounds in six months, record your progress once a month to make sure you are on track.

The goal-setting process

Goal setting is not a “once-and-done” event. It’s a process that should encourage action and change when needed.

Reaching goals

You have determined where you want to go — but how will you reach those goals? The key is to work backward from your goals to build habits. While goals are about the big picture, habits are the daily actions taken to help reach your goals. For example, imagine your goal is to lose 30 pounds in six months. Your habits could be to walk for 30 minutes a day, eat five fruits and vegetables daily, and cut out fast food, among other steps. Be sure to ask your doctor for advice on health goals.

Remember: goal-reaching is a process, not a perfect line. If unexpected events derail you, reset and keep moving forward.

The Anthem Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a free service for all full-time state employees and those in their household and can be a beneficial tool to improve your overall well-being. These tools and resources are available 24/7 and are completely confidential.

The goal of the EAP is to help you cope with the challenges happening in your life – whether it’s concerning financial issues, emotional well-being, addiction and recovery, or other life events, the Anthem EAP services are available to you. When you call, you are paired with a clinical social worker, professional counselor, psychologist, or marriage and family therapist who best fits your needs and concerns. Learn more here.

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