I wasn’t looking for a health coach…

posted by Amber Brady on February 10, 2022 Dan Mathis photo
 “A health coach is somebody in your corner who’s
there for the sole purpose of helping you be well.”  

[Dan Mathis is an IT Project Manager with Indiana Office of Technology. He’s been involved in health coaching since it became a path to a health premium discount in 2019. He encourages everyone, regardless of age or lifestyle to get involved with a health coach. Below, he shares how he got involved with his coach and what changes he’s seen as a result.] 

I wasn’t looking for a health coach… 

I was just looking for the most efficient way to earn the reduced health premium. One year I saw that one of the ways to get the price break on health insurance was to have meetings with a health coach and that’s how I found out about it. 

So, I didn’t go into that seeking it, believing in it, or understanding what its value was. But it quickly changed in that I saw the value and the substance in meeting with my health coach. 

It’s not just exercise, it’s not just diet, it’s not just mental wellness, and it’s not just morbidity avoidance. It wasn’t any one of those things. It was making small practical changes that would impact every one of them. 

… But I’ve gotten hard data showing tremendous benefit from exercise and health coaching. 

My health coach is more than just a partner, she is truly an expert in the chemistry and physiology of how all of this impacts your body. And for me that’s critical, because after recent health screens, I’ve gotten hard data showing tremendous benefit from exercise and health coaching. 

Can you make a little change? 

You don’t have to identify massive changes as goals. It could be reducing something you consume seven days a week to five, or four, or deciding how many days next week you are going to pack a healthy lunch.  

And when you’re focused over time and routinely on little changes, then those can add up and lead to big positive outcomes.  

The fact that they’re small, marginal goals over time means that they’re actually achievable. 

When you’re focused over time and routinely on little changes, then those can add up and lead to big positive outcomes.  

I know now that if I just get used to the habit, it will feel good. If I can start some behaviors toward it, I can get used to it, I can increase it over time, and all of a sudden, I’ve created myself a healthy habit where there used to be a negative one. 

For example, I struggled getting diet coke out of my daily routine. But Diet Coke is completely out of my body. 

…and all of a sudden, I’ve created myself a healthy habit where there used to be a negative one. 

I was drinking coffee, and diet coke on top of it, so the caffeine in both and the chemicals in diet coke—whatever they were—the combination of it was really making me tense. I didn’t like its impact on me, so getting it out of my system felt fantastic. 

Looking back now, it makes me so much more grateful for having made the change, because it impacts work life, home life, and how you’re parenting, so I really see positive impacts, both at work and at home from having made that change. 

But that didn’t happen overnight. That was working with a health coach over a couple years.  

I’ve selected these goals for myself, so I should drive toward achieving them. 

After every conversation, your health coach records what you identify as a couple priorities for behavior.  

For example: “I’m going to focus on so many cardio events per week, or I’m going to focus on not having pastries in the morning, or I’m not going to have M&Ms in the afternoon.” 

I really saw that meeting consistently with my health coach was an accountability check when I would forget about my goals. That every other month appointment would remind me about my goals when I had allowed myself to walk away from them. 

Not only is it a point of accountability, though, your health coach is a partner empowering you toward your goal. It’s somebody in your corner who’s not a family member and not a work colleague; it’s somebody who’s there for the sole purpose of helping you be well. 

My health coach didn’t use the goals to bludgeon me, she used them as my empowering myself. 

And my health coach didn’t use the goals to bludgeon me, she used them as my empowering myself to focus on whatever it was, so that empowers a conscious decision. 

She’s helped empower and remind about the health habits I chose whether exercise or something else. But she’s a part of supporting that exercise, and she’s definitely a part of the great health tests that I’ve received recently. 

You’re basically being paid to do it! 

It’s free. Not only is it free, but it helps you save money, so it’s like being paid to do something that’s healthy for you and getting an advocate for your wellness. So instead of having to pay for this service, you’re basically being paid to do it. 

You’re being incentivized to get that partner in your corner who’s going to help you. 

You’re being incentivized to get that partner in your corner who’s going to help you, so you’re getting this amazing quality and this partner who has tremendous expertise and you’re basically being paid to take advantage of that person’s expertise.  

It’s just a really affordable, efficient way to get access to great expertise. 

Literally… I’m being paid to work with a great partner who has tremendous expertise!

Get started on earning your health premium discount today!

Learn more at www.investinyourhealthindiana.com/activehealth.